Visitors living beyond a radius of 25 miles from Ava may play using the following Daily Play Rates:
9 HOLES - $15
18 HOLES - $20
Please fill out a visitor form located in the Clubhouse or on the Bulletin Board on the Southeast side of the Clubhouse. Please include the appropriate payment and leave in the box on the same bulletin board lock box.
Cart Rentals are available on a first come, first serve basis: 417-812-5325 for questions.
Cart instructions are as follows:
(persons under 16 are not authorized to drive carts)
1. Call either John Dunivin @ 307-389-6787 or Ray Madche @ 417-543-4958
2. You will be given the combination to the lock box which contains the key to Shed #41.
3. Provide your name, date, time and number of holes to be played on the sheet inside the shed
4. Golf cart fees are $15 for 9 holes & $20 for 18 holes.
5. Return the shed key to the lock box and retain the combination as it will open the lock when you return the cart to the shed. Remember to remove all personal items and trash. Courtesy goes a long way!
6. Go to the Message center (Bulletin board at back (SW) side of Clubhouse. You will find scorecards, envelopes and additional Ava Country Club information. Fill out an envelope including Date, Time, Name, where you are from and the appropriate fees and put it into the lock box.
(this information will be matched with the information inside Shed #41)
Thank you and enjoy your game!!
Cart instructions are as follows:
(persons under 16 are not authorized to drive carts)
1. Call either John Dunivin @ 307-389-6787 or Ray Madche @ 417-543-4958
2. You will be given the combination to the lock box which contains the key to Shed #41.
3. Provide your name, date, time and number of holes to be played on the sheet inside the shed
4. Golf cart fees are $15 for 9 holes & $20 for 18 holes.
5. Return the shed key to the lock box and retain the combination as it will open the lock when you return the cart to the shed. Remember to remove all personal items and trash. Courtesy goes a long way!
6. Go to the Message center (Bulletin board at back (SW) side of Clubhouse. You will find scorecards, envelopes and additional Ava Country Club information. Fill out an envelope including Date, Time, Name, where you are from and the appropriate fees and put it into the lock box.
(this information will be matched with the information inside Shed #41)
Thank you and enjoy your game!!